Be cautious when choosing dog food

Misconception 1: Good color is good dog food

The color of dog food can partially reflect the type and structure of the raw materials of dog food. Pet dogs are carnivorous omnivores, and meat will appear brown or dark brown after high-temperature puffing, and the color of chicken will be shallower. Now some low-quality dog food adds some pigments to imitate the color of “meat”, so it is becoming harder and harder to judge the quality of dog food by color alone. Some friends emphasize whether the color of dog food is bright and shiny. This is a normal phenomenon of aesthetics, but it does not suitable for dog food. Pet dogs have weak eyesight and are color-blind. In their world, there are only black and white. As for whether the color of dog food is bright and beautiful, it does not mean much to them. People impose their own subjective aesthetics on dogs, which is a misleading of dog food.


Misconception 2: Dog food with a smooth surface must be good

Dog food mainly consists of meat, combined with some other raw materials, and processed through necessary crushing. Nowadays, many pet lovers think that the finer the particle surface, the better, which is very incorrect. First of all, pet dogs don’t like food that is too delicate. Some friends like to soak the dog food before feeding it to the dog. Dog food that is too delicate will stick to the teeth under the action of starch. This is a taboo for dogs to eat. To be honest, pet dogs would rather eat some hard food than soft food that sticks to their teeth. Too delicate dog food will also affect the palatability of the dog.


Misconception 3: Inconsistent shape means poor dog food

Many pet lovers like to look at the shape, size, regularity, and regularity of dry puffed dog food particles when choosing food for their pets, and judge the quality of dog food based entirely on this, which is also incorrect. Dog food is manufactured from a variety of raw materials through a series of deep processing procedures. It belongs to industrialized mass production. The important link in the middle is puffing. In the case of many ingredients, the same shape and different meat quality will shrink differently after high temperature. It is hard to make every particle of dog food the same. This is especially easy to explain to our friends who like to eat barbecue. This is the reason why raw mutton will not have the same shape and size after being roasted in the oven. Theoretically speaking, the shape control ability of corn, starch, soybeans, flour, and other plants is far greater than that of meat. Judging from this, it is more likely that the shape of food with more starch will be consistent and the image will be unified. Of course, if the diameter and length of the particles are far apart, it is another matter, that is, there is a lack of basic quality control management in the pet food production process. Furthermore, whether the shape is square or round, long or short, people may have likes and dislikes, it does not affect our lovely pet dogs, as long as it matches the physiological stage of the pet. It is enough to keep the normal size for easy eating, not too small to eat, and too big to eat is the best.


Misconception 4: The smell is not good dog food

Nowadays, when more and more pet lovers choose dog food for their pet dogs, they like to smell it first. This method is common and necessary, but it is wrong to choose pet dogs according to their own preferences. We all realize that the sense of smell of dogs is more than 1000 times that of humans, and they can distinguish the main smells in a variety of smells, so pet dogs have different preferences for the smell of dog food. Humans like milky and other fragrant flavors, while pet dogs prefer the smell of meat and fishy smell. In order to satisfy human preferences, many dog food companies use seasoning to make dog food milky, but they do not know that this taste is not very attractive to dogs and it will reduce the palatability and affect the love of dogs for dog food.

Published On: December 21st, 2022Categories: Dog Food, Dog knowledge