Are any dog breeds hypoallergrnic?

Dogs, we love them so much that about most of households have one. And if you do not currently own one, you have probably had a dog at some point in your life. We know that dogs are our source of happiness, their fur and dander, however, can also be a source of our allergies.

According to the data, as many as three in 10 people with allergies have pet allergies. Pet allergies are also quite common with people who have asthma or other allergies and they can be triggered by proteins in a dog’s saliva, urine or dander. While the sneezing, irritated eyes, congestion and other reactions are annoying, some people still can’t fight the urge to be around or even own a dog. For those who live with pet allergies, is it actually possible to get a dog that is “hypoallergenic?”

What does hypoallergenic mean?

“Hypoallergenic” pretty much refers to something having a small chance of triggering an allergic reaction. If you wear jewelry or use a lot of cosmetics or personal products, you have seen this term before. If something has a greater chance of triggering a reaction, it is simply considered “allergenic.”

Are hypoallergenic dogs even a real thing?

Many people seem to think so. But the American Kennel Club (AKC) says that no dog is 100% hypoallergenic. But do not get bummed out if you are a dog lover with pet allergies. There are actually dog breeds that are less allergenic. These breeds are considered as such because they have more predictable, non-shedding coats that produce less dander. And less dander may mean you would not have a runny nose, sneezing, runny eyes as often.

However, hypoallergenic dogs can still cause problems for allergy sufferers, and there is still a chance that the allergies could be triggered.

A study measured dog allergens concentrations in samples taken from the hair and coats of so-called hypoallergenic and non-hypoallergenic dogs, and from their respective owners’ homes. The study found that the allergen levels were actually higher in hair and coat samples from the dogs that were supposedly hypoallergenic. And the home allergen concentrations for both sets of dog owners were about the same for each group.

How to alleviate dog allergies at home

There are some steps that you can take to make life with a dog much easier.

  • Keep your dog out of your bedroom, which will help you breathe easier while you are resting or getting dressed.
  • If you have carpet and are not in a position to remove it, steam clean it frequently. Or use a damp cloth on it to pick up pet allergens if you have hardwood floors.
  • If you have been around your dog or other dogs for an extended period of time, change your clothes right after to reduce the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  • Clean the air conditioner filter promptly, which may contain pet allergens that might be floating around.
  • Bathe your dog regularly. Your dog’s fur may carry pollen home.

In a word, there is no clear scientific evidence to support a hypoallergenic species of dog. If you have pet allergies and still want to get a dog, it is not a bad idea to talk to your doctor or an allergist to figure out how you can live in harmony with man’s best friend. Once you have that all figured out, you can start to choose which dog breed is right for you.

Published On: December 21st, 2022Categories: Dog knowledge