The Horrible Pet Poisons Lurking in Your Home

It is well known that things like chocolate, bleach, and pesticides are dangerous to our animal companions. So are there any other poisons out there?

Of course, there are! These unobtrusive household items in your home could be the ones that hurt or even kill your companions. In an observation for National Poison Prevention Week (the third week in March), the Humane Society of the United States warns pet owners about these five alarming pet poisons lurking in plain sight.

Over-the-Counter Medications

Perhaps you can think of human medications and dogs as a terrible match, but what may surprise you is that even common over-the-counter painkillers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can be poisonous to dogs. These pills often have a sweet outer layer that attracts pets and makes them think of “M&Ms,” except for the potentially deadly ones. Do not underestimate them, even one or two pills can cause serious damage to your dogs, such as kidney failure, so keep these drugs away from your companions!

Fabric Softener Sheets

Dryer sheets use fabric coated with chemicals to disperse static electricity. The bad news is that these chemicals are harmful to your partner if they chew or lick the sheets, even if they are used. Besides, just like we really like the scent in the laundry room, so does your dog, which means they are extremely susceptible to being hurt or poisoned by dryer sheets.


Most household batteries contain chemicals in our daily life that can seriously damage your companion’s health if they ingest them. Even if your dogs do not swallow the entire battery, their sharp teeth can puncture the battery casing causing the toxic liquid to leak. While you may think it’s funny when your dogs chews on the remote control or steals your children’s favorite toys. But chewing on any battery-powered device is dangerous behavior.

Sugar-Free Gum and Breath Mints

Sugar-free gum and mints often contain xylitol, a substance that can be deadly to dogs. Unlike humans, dogs absorb xylitol rapidly, causing insulin levels to rise leading to lower blood sugar levels that can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Xylitol is widely used in household products such as toothpaste, candy, chewable vitamins, and mouthwash. When you accidentally spill a packet of Tic Tacs on the back seat of your car, or your child sprays toothpaste on the bathroom floor, be sure to wipe it up so your dogs do not get hurt.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins, which may seem harmless, are horrible for dogs. Even small amounts of grapes or raisins can be deadly toxic to dogs.

Signs of Pet Poisoning: 

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs can vary greatly depending on the type of toxin and intake. While symptoms vary from case to case, some of the most common symptoms of pet poisoning include: Vomiting, Diarrhea, and upset stomach, Seizures, Lethargy, Loss of appetite, Drooling, Abnormal behavior, Excessive thirst or urination, Weakness.

How to Handle an Emergency: 

If you discover or suspect that your pet may have ingested a toxic substance, immediately contact the National Poison Control Help line at 1-800-222-1222. Send “Poison” to 797979 to have poison control contact information saved on your smartphone.

Finally, remember that it is better to be safe than regret. If you have any reason to believe that your companion may have been poisoned, seek veterinary assistance immediately, your companion’s life will depend on it.

Published On: December 11th, 2022Categories: Dog Health